Πέμπτη 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


USA Today
July 6, 2012

ATHENS, Greece (AP)Greece’s three-party coali­tion gov­ern­ment will try to get the economy out of its deep reces­sion by encour­aging pri­vate invest­ment and making pri­va­ti­za­tions its “highest pri­ority,” finance min­ister Yannis Stournaras said Saturday

Editor’s Note

Herein lies the real story behind the crisis in Greece: Privatization. This is the process to get a country to sell off (at a hefty discount) all state-run enterprises, which are gobbled up by greedy global corporations. The stage was set for Greece’ dismantling by an unelected technocrat who is also a member of the Trilateral Commission — Lucas Papademos. The newly-elected prime minister, Antonis Samaras is merely continuing the program. When the privatization process is complete, public services will degrade as prices are hiked up.
Most, if not all, of the privatization investments will be guaranteed by the World Bank (or one of its subsidiaries), so that if Greece eventually nationalizes these services, the “investors” will file insurance claims for lost profitability and fleece taxpayers once again.
“The privatization program aims at attracting important international capital that will be invested mainly in property development and infra-structure,” Stournaras told parliament on the second day of the debate on the new government’s policy platform.
He said the government plans to give priority to 28 privatizations, including the state natural gas, water and betting companies, the development of the former Athens airport, other airports, yacht marinas, the state railways and the sale and leaseback of 28 state properties. The privatization of Public Power Corporation will come at a later stage, Stournaras said.
Earlier, the leader of Greece’s main opposition party accused the country’s three-party coalition government of wanting to sell Greece’s resources and public companies on the cheap.
“The prime minister’s policy statement was nothing more than a ‘for sale sign’ put on Greece,” Alexis Tsipras, head of the Coalition of the Radical Left party, known as Syriza, told Parliament. He said he was especially warning those who want to “grab state property on the cheap.” He added would-be buyers of state property might lose all their money and face criminal proceedings.

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